Monday, September 9, 2013

PDF gratuit Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo

PDF gratuit Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo

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Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo

Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo

Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo

PDF gratuit Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo

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Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo

Détails sur le produit

Relié: 224 pages

Editeur : Editions Braun; Édition : 1 (2 février 2012)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 3037680954

ISBN-13: 978-3037680957

Dimensions du produit:

24,9 x 3,3 x 34,7 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

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Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

395.043 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

Not bad. Recommended

Great houses on the book. Tropical inspired. But not all picture are house, some of the house are actually a commercial villas. Inspiring.

Nice book. Glad to own it.

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Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo PDF

Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo PDF

Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo PDF
Tropical houses: Living in Paradise., by Michelle Galindo PDF


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